;------- ABSCHNITT : Modul Identifikation ------------------------------------- ; ; Modul Name : abasgui.cfg ; . Funktion : Configure abas ERP GUI ; . Verwendung : abas ERP ; Autor : rah ; Verantwortlich : rah ; Kontrolle : wk ; ; Note : DON'T EDIT THIS FILE !!! ; ; - changes will be overwritten by the next abas ERP update. ; - The sections in abasgui.cfg can be overwritten by sections in the ; abasgui.ini file with the same name. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [version] format=2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Section 'commandImages': Declares the images for the abas ERP command overview ; ; Syntax: ; [commandImages] ; priority pattern1=imagename1 ; ... ; priority pattern=imagename ; ; For the patterns (partial commands) the following rules apply: ; - the priority takes three fixed characters: "P[1-9] " ; - P and " " are meaningless, they are mandatory in the sentence though ; - [1-9] sets the priority. Note: P1 is the lowest priority and reserved ; for "ALLCMDS". P9 the highest priority. ; - '^' at the beginning of the pattern means, that the pattern must match ; the beginning of the command. ; Note: the asterisk-sign ("*") has no meaning in GUI and is ignored. ; - Xmsg(, comment) stands ; 1) for the AJO identifier in round brackets with the number ; from the "msg.cc.dic" dictionary; ; if the command is specified language-independently ; 2) for the text with the number from the "msg.cc.dic" dictionary ; in the current operating language; ; if the command is specified language-dependently ; - a pattern without a imagename means "use default image". ; - the pattern "ALLCMDS" means "all commands" ; - a pattern can consist of multiple subpatterns seperated by "&&" (AND). ; ; Note: ; Individual images or overrides for the declarations here can be declared ; in abasgui.ini in section [commandImages] or in section [commandImages.]. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [commandImages] P1 ALLCMDS = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P2 ^< = icon:commandoverview/objectview P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 ^Xmsg(4328, Infosystem) = icon:commandoverview/infosystem P4 ^Xmsg(4328, Infosystem) && BROWSER = icon:commandoverview/fulltextsearch P4 && = icon:commandoverview/infosystem P4 && = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectsearch P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectempty P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectnew P5 ^< && $ && = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P5 ^< && % && = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P5 ^< && 'NS' && = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectview P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectedit P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectdelete P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P4 && = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P4 && = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P4 && = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P4 ^ = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 = icon:commandoverview/objectcopy P4 ^ = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P3 ^ = icon:commandoverview/fop P4 ^ && = icon:commandoverview/otheraction P4 ^ && = icon:commandoverview/fop P4 ^ && = icon:commandoverview/textedit P4 ^ && = icon:commandoverview/textnew P4 ^ && = icon:commandoverview/textdelete P2 ^% = icon:commandoverview/otherprogram ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Sections 'fontAlias.': ; ; These sections declare the predefined fonts for the abas ERP GUI. ; : Syntax: ; ; [fontAlias.] ; ABAS_VARIABLE_1 = ; ABAS_VARIABLE_2 = ; ... ; ABAS_VARIABLE_5 = ; ABAS_FIXED_1 = ; ABAS_FIXED_2 = ; ... ; ABAS_FIXED_5 = ; ; and are optional. ; ; = Win ; = ANSI_CHARSET | EASTEUROPE_CHARSET | RUSSIAN_CHARSET | ; TURKISH_CHARSET | GREEK_CHARSET | GB2312_CHARSET | ; CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET | THAI_CHARSET | ARABIC_CHARSET | ; VIETNAMESE_CHARSET ; ; The search order is as follows: ; ; - fontAlias. ; - fontAlias. ; - fontAlias ; - fontAlias ; ; This enables different fontAlias sections for different languages and/or ; operation systems. ; ; The supported alias names are ABAS_VARIABLE_1 .. ABAS_VARIABLE_5 and ; ABAS_FIXED_1 .. ABAS_FIXED_5. The same names are used by the related menu ; items in the abas ERP login window. ; In the menu "S&creen font" the fonts with the alias names ; ABAS_VARIABLE_1 .. ABAS_VARIABLE_5 are shown and in the menu ; "Font for &FO/editor" the fonts with the alias names ; ABAS_FIXED_1 .. ABAS_FIXED_5. ; The fonts with alias names ABAS_FIXED_1 .. ABAS_FIXED_5 must be fixed fonts. ; ; is the name of another section with the following Syntax: ; ; [] ; menuItemTitle= ; faceName= ; pointSize= ; bold=<0|1> ; italic=<0|1> ; color="" ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [fontAliasWin] ; Windows GUI ABAS_VARIABLE_1 = font.SegoeUI9 ABAS_VARIABLE_2 = font.MicrosoftSansSerif10 ;ABAS_VARIABLE_3 = ;ABAS_VARIABLE_4 = ;ABAS_VARIABLE_5 = ABAS_FIXED_1 = font.Consolas10 ABAS_FIXED_2 = font.CourierNew10 ABAS_FIXED_3 = font.LucidaConsole10 ;ABAS_FIXED_4 = ;ABAS_FIXED_5 = ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Predefined variable fonts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [font.SegoeUI9] menuItemTitle=Segoe UI 9 faceName=Segoe UI pointSize=9 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.MicrosoftSansSerif10] menuItemTitle=Microsoft Sans Serif 10 faceName=Microsoft Sans Serif pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.ArialUnicodeMS8] menuItemTitle=Arial Unicode MS 8 faceName=Arial Unicode MS pointSize=8 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.ArialUnicodeMS10] menuItemTitle=Arial Unicode MS 10 faceName=Arial Unicode MS pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.Arial8] menuItemTitle=Arial 8 faceName=Arial pointSize=8 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.Arial10] menuItemTitle=Arial 10 faceName=Arial pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.ComicSansMS8] menuItemTitle=Comic Sans MS 8 faceName=Comic Sans MS pointSize=8 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.DejaVuSans10] menuItemTitle=DejaVu Sans 10 faceName=DejaVu Sans pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Predefined fixed fonts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [font.Consolas10] menuItemTitle=Consolas 10 faceName=Consolas pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.CourierNew10] menuItemTitle=Courier New 10 faceName=Courier New pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.LucidaConsole10] menuItemTitle=Lucida Console 10 faceName=Lucida Console pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" [font.DejaVuSansMono10] menuItemTitle=DejaVu Sans Mono 10 faceName=DejaVu Sans Mono pointSize=10 bold=0 italic=0 color="0, 0, 0" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Predefined themes ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [themes] default=abasERP.version2015 [theme.abasERP.senapsa] ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Custom theme for senapsa GmbH ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; logoName = :/corporate/corporate/abaslogo_white.png nameIconSet = v2015 ; senapsaBrandWhite = "245,243,239" senapsaBrandOrange = "221,134, 85" senapsaBrandYellow = "253,195, 87" senapsaBrandBlue = "213,228,227" senapsaBrandRed = "174, 75, 64" senapsaBrandBrown = " 37, 14, 3" ; abasBrandWhite = white abasBrandLightGray = "203,204,206" abasBrandDarkGray = " 82, 91, 96" abasBrandGreen = " 27,186,164" abasBrandBlack = " 42, 53, 57" abasBrandGray = "160,164,167" abasBrandLightGreen = "141,221,210" ; abasBrandOrange = "255,182, 15" ; colorDialog = senapsaBrandWhite colorDialogSmall = senapsaBrandWhite colorButtonPane = "244,244,244" ; colorLabelText = abasBrandBlack colorField = senapsaBrandWhite colorFieldReadOnly = "244,244,244" ; colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextNormal = abasBrandBlack colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandGray colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextActive = senapsaBrandRed ; colorToolBar1 = senapsaBrandRed colorToolBar1ButtonTextNormal = abasBrandWhite colorToolBar1ButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandGray colorToolBar1ButtonTextActive = abasBrandGreen heightToolBar1Divider = 0 heightToolBar1Border = 14 colorToolBar1Border = senapsaBrandBlue xPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 24 yPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 24 ; colorToolBar2 = senapsaBrandYellow colorToolBar2ButtonTextNormal = senapsaBrandBrown colorToolBar2ButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandLightGreen colorToolBar2ButtonTextActive = senapsaBrandBrown heightToolBar2Divider = 0 heightToolBar2Border = 4 colorToolBar2Border = abasBrandWhite ; colorToolBarTable = senapsaBrandYellow colorToolBarTableButtonTextNormal = senapsaBrandBrown colorToolBarTableButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandLightGreen colorToolBarTableButtonTextActive = senapsaBrandBrown heightToolBarTableDivider = 0 heightToolBarTableBorder = 2 colorToolBarTableBorder = abasBrandWhite ; colorButtonIconNormal = abasBrandDarkGray colorButtonIconDisabled = abasBrandGray colorButtonIconMarked = abasBrandGreen ; colorCommandOverviewIcon = abasBrandDarkGray ; colorObjectSearchIconAborted = abasERP2015_alertred colorObjectSearchIconAttention = abasERP2015_alertyellow colorObjectSearchIconMoreAvailable = senapsaBrandWhite colorObjectSearchIconOk = abasERP2015_alertgreen colorObjectSearchIconSearching = senapsaBrandWhite ; colorMessageBoxIconError = abasERP2015_alertred colorMessageBoxIconInformation = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconQuestion = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconWarning = abasERP2015_alertyellow ; colorStatusLine = senapsaBrandRed colorStatusLineText = abasBrandWhite ; colorGroupBar = "42,53,57,0, 42,53,57,12" colorGroupBarText = senapsaBrandBrown upperCaseGroupBarText = 1 yPaddingGroupBarText = 10 ; colorGroupLine = senapsaBrandBrown colorGroupText = colorGroupLine ; colorTable = senapsaBrandWhite colorTableBorder = abasBrandLightGray colorTableLabels = abasBrandLightGray colorTableHeadings = abasBrandLightGray colorTableLabelsText = senapsaBrandBrown colorTableHeadingsText = colorTableLabelsText colorTableHeadingsBorderH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableHeadingsBorderV = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridHeadingsH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridHeadingsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableEvenRow = "238,241,247" colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "227,230,236" colorTableOddRow = colorField colorTableOddRowReadOnly = colorFieldReadOnly ; tableGridH = 1 tableGridV = 1 boldTableHeadings = 1 boldTableLabels = 0 yPaddingTableHeadings = 2 yPaddingTableIcons = 4 ; colorCalendar = senapsaBrandWhite colorCalendarTitle = colorTableHeadings colorCalendarTitleText = colorTableHeadingsText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound = abasBrandOrange ; noEditorBorder = 1 ; sizeMessageBoxIcon = 40 [theme.abasERP.version2015] ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Standard theme for abas ERP Version 2015 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; logoName = :/corporate/corporate/abaslogo_white.png nameIconSet = v2015 ; abasBrandWhite = white abasBrandLightGray = "203,204,206" abasBrandDarkGray = " 82, 91, 96" abasBrandGreen = " 27,186,164" abasBrandBlack = " 42, 53, 57" abasBrandGray = "160,164,167" abasBrandLightGreen = "141,221,210" ; abasBrandOrange = "255,182, 15" ; colorDialog = abasBrandWhite colorDialogSmall = abasBrandWhite colorButtonPane = "244,244,244" ; colorLabelText = abasBrandBlack colorField = abasBrandWhite colorFieldReadOnly = "244,244,244" ; colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextNormal = abasBrandBlack colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandGray colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextActive = abasBrandGreen ; colorToolBar1 = abasBrandBlack colorToolBar1ButtonTextNormal = abasBrandWhite colorToolBar1ButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandGray colorToolBar1ButtonTextActive = abasBrandGreen heightToolBar1Divider = 0 heightToolBar1Border = 14 colorToolBar1Border = "27,186,164,0, 27,186,164,75" xPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 24 yPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 24 ; colorToolBar2 = abasBrandGreen colorToolBar2ButtonTextNormal = abasBrandWhite colorToolBar2ButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandLightGreen colorToolBar2ButtonTextActive = abasBrandBlack heightToolBar2Divider = 0 heightToolBar2Border = 4 colorToolBar2Border = abasBrandWhite ; colorToolBarTable = abasBrandGreen colorToolBarTableButtonTextNormal = abasBrandWhite colorToolBarTableButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandLightGreen colorToolBarTableButtonTextActive = abasBrandBlack heightToolBarTableDivider = 0 heightToolBarTableBorder = 2 colorToolBarTableBorder = abasBrandWhite ; colorButtonIconNormal = abasBrandDarkGray colorButtonIconDisabled = abasBrandGray colorButtonIconMarked = abasBrandGreen ; colorCommandOverviewIcon = abasBrandDarkGray ; colorObjectSearchIconAborted = abasERP2015_alertred colorObjectSearchIconAttention = abasERP2015_alertyellow colorObjectSearchIconMoreAvailable = abasBrandWhite colorObjectSearchIconOk = abasERP2015_alertgreen colorObjectSearchIconSearching = abasBrandWhite ; colorMessageBoxIconError = abasERP2015_alertred colorMessageBoxIconInformation = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconQuestion = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconWarning = abasERP2015_alertyellow ; colorStatusLine = abasBrandBlack colorStatusLineText = abasBrandWhite ; colorGroupBar = "42,53,57,0, 42,53,57,12" colorGroupBarText = abasBrandBlack upperCaseGroupBarText = 1 yPaddingGroupBarText = 10 ; colorGroupLine = abasBrandBlack colorGroupText = colorGroupLine ; colorTable = abasBrandWhite colorTableBorder = abasBrandLightGray colorTableLabels = abasBrandLightGray colorTableHeadings = abasBrandLightGray colorTableLabelsText = abasBrandBlack colorTableHeadingsText = colorTableLabelsText colorTableHeadingsBorderH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableHeadingsBorderV = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridHeadingsH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridHeadingsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableEvenRow = "238,241,247" colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "227,230,236" colorTableOddRow = colorField colorTableOddRowReadOnly = colorFieldReadOnly ; tableGridH = 1 tableGridV = 1 boldTableHeadings = 1 boldTableLabels = 0 yPaddingTableHeadings = 2 yPaddingTableIcons = 4 ; colorCalendar = abasBrandWhite colorCalendarTitle = colorTableHeadings colorCalendarTitleText = colorTableHeadingsText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound = abasBrandOrange ; noEditorBorder = 1 ; sizeMessageBoxIcon = 40 [theme.abasERP.version2015_light] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Light-colored theme for abas ERP Version 2015 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- nameIconSet = v2015 abasBrandWhite = white abasBrandLightGray = "203,204,206" abasBrandDarkGray = " 82, 91, 96" abasBrandGreen = " 27,186,164" abasBrandBlack = " 42, 53, 57" abasBrandGray = "160,164,167" abasBrandLightGreen = "141,221,210" abasBrandOrange = "255,182, 15" colorDialog = abasBrandWhite colorDialogSmall = abasBrandWhite colorButtonPane = "244,244,244" colorLabelText = abasBrandBlack colorField = abasBrandWhite colorFieldReadOnly = "244,244,244" colorToolBar = abasBrandWhite colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextNormal = abasBrandBlack colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextDisabled = abasBrandGray colorToolBarDefaultButtonTextActive = abasBrandGreen xPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 18 yPaddingToolBar1LargeIcons = 18 colorButtonIconNormal = abasBrandDarkGray colorButtonIconDisabled = abasBrandGray colorButtonIconMarked = abasBrandGreen colorCommandOverviewIcon = abasBrandDarkGray colorObjectSearchIconAborted = abasERP2015_alertred colorObjectSearchIconAttention = abasERP2015_alertyellow colorObjectSearchIconMoreAvailable = abasBrandBlack colorObjectSearchIconOk = abasERP2015_alertgreen colorObjectSearchIconSearching = abasBrandBlack colorMessageBoxIconError = abasERP2015_alertred colorMessageBoxIconInformation = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconQuestion = abasERP2015_alertblue colorMessageBoxIconWarning = abasERP2015_alertyellow colorStatusLine = abasBrandWhite colorStatusLineText = abasBrandBlack colorGroupBar = "82, 91, 96,0, 82, 91, 96,12" colorGroupBarText = abasBrandDarkGray upperCaseGroupBarText = 1 yPaddingGroupBarText = 10 colorGroupLine = abasBrandDarkGray colorGroupText = colorGroupLine colorTable = abasBrandWhite colorTableBorder = abasBrandLightGray colorTableLabels = abasBrandGreen colorTableHeadings = abasBrandGreen colorTableLabelsText = abasBrandWhite colorTableHeadingsText = abasBrandWhite colorTableHeadingsBorderH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableHeadingsBorderV = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridCornerV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridHeadingsH = abasBrandLightGray colorTableGridHeadingsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsH = abasBrandWhite colorTableGridLabelsV = abasBrandWhite colorTableEvenRow = "238,241,247" colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "227,230,236" colorTableOddRow = colorField colorTableOddRowReadOnly = colorFieldReadOnly tableGridH = 1 tableGridV = 1 boldTableHeadings = 1 boldTableLabels = 0 yPaddingTableHeadings = 2 yPaddingTableIcons = 4 colorCalendar = abasBrandWhite colorCalendarTitle = colorTableHeadings colorCalendarTitleText = colorTableHeadingsText colorSearchPatternNotFound = abasBrandOrange noEditorBorder = 1 sizeMessageBoxIcon = 40 [theme.abasERP.version2014] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2014 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorAbasGreen = "0,152,152" ; colorDialog = white colorDialogSmall = white colorButtonPane = "244,244,244" ; colorField = white colorFieldReadOnly = "244,244,244" ; colorToolBar1 = white colorToolBar2 = colorToolBar1 colorToolBarTable = colorToolBar1 ; colorStatusLine = white ; colorGroupBar = colorAbasGreen colorGroupBarText = white colorGroupText = "64,64,64" colorGroupLine = colorAbasGreen ; colorTable = white colorTableLabels = colorAbasGreen colorTableHeadings = colorTableLabels colorTableLabelsText = white colorTableHeadingsText = colorTableLabelsText colorTableEvenRow = "238,241,247" colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "227,230,236" colorTableOddRow = colorField colorTableOddRowReadOnly = colorFieldReadOnly ; colorCalendar = white colorCalendarTitle = colorTableLabels colorCalendarTitleText = colorTableLabelsText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2010] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2010 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = "238,241,247" colorDialogSmall = white colorButtonPane = "240,240,240" ; colorField = white colorFieldReadOnly = "244,244,244" ; colorToolBar1 = "250,250,250,0, 232,232,232,50, 229,229,229,50, 220,220,220,100" colorToolBar2 = "250,250,250,0, 232,232,232,40, 229,229,229,40, 220,220,220,100" colorToolBarTable = colorToolBar1 ; colorStatusLine = ; colorGroupBar = "160,163,169,10, 130,133,139,80, 160,163,169,100" colorGroupBarText = white colorGroupText = "30,33,39" colorGroupLine = "120,123,129" ; colorTable = white colorTableLabels = "140,143,149" colorTableHeadings = colorTableLabels colorTableLabelsText = white colorTableHeadingsText = colorTableLabelsText colorTableEvenRow = colorDialog colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "227,230,236" colorTableOddRow = colorField colorTableOddRowReadOnly = colorFieldReadOnly ; colorCalendar = white colorCalendarTitle = colorTableLabels colorCalendarTitleText = colorTableLabelsText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2007_1] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2007, variant 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = "231,243,243" colorToolBar = "181,222,222" colorStatusLine = colorToolBar colorTable = "245,250,250" ; colorGroupBar = "103,135,186" colorGroupBarText = white colorGroupText = "0,69,214" colorGroupLine = "123,158,189" colorTableLabels = colorGroupBar colorTableHeadings = colorGroupBar colorTableLabelsText = colorGroupBarText colorTableHeadingsText = colorGroupBarText colorTableEvenRow = colorDialog colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = ; colorCalendar = white colorCalendarTitle = colorGroupBar colorCalendarTitleText = colorGroupBarText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2007_2] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2007, variant 2 ; steel blue and white ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = white colorToolBar = "210,220,230" colorStatusLine = "223,223,223" ; colorGroupBar = "103,135,186" colorGroupBarText = white colorGroupText = "0,37,182" colorGroupLine = "91,126,157" ; colorTable = colorDialog colorTableLabels = colorGroupBar colorTableHeadings = colorGroupBar colorTableLabelsText = colorGroupBarText colorTableHeadingsText = colorGroupBarText colorTableEvenRow = colorToolBar colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = "160,200,220" ; colorCalendar = colorDialog colorCalendarTitle = colorGroupBar colorCalendarTitleText = colorGroupBarText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2007_3] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2007, variant 3 ; sunflower and grey ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = "248,245,225" colorToolBar = "235,205,0" colorStatusLine = "216,213,193" colorTable = "250,255,185" ; colorGroupBar = colorToolBar colorGroupBarText = "32,32,32" colorGroupText = "94,64,0" colorGroupLine = "203,173,0" ; colorTableLabels = "215,235,0" colorTableHeadings = colorTableLabels colorTableLabelsText = black colorTableHeadingsText = colorGroupBarText colorTableEvenRow = "255,225,0" colorTableEvenRowReadOnly = colorGroupBar ; colorCalendar = colorDialog colorCalendarTitle = colorGroupBar colorCalendarTitleText = colorGroupBarText ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2006_1] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2006, variant 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = "231,243,243" colorToolBar = "181,222,222" colorStatusLine = colorToolBar ; XP-Style Blue (standard) Groupbox-Textcolor colorGroupText = "0,69,214" ; XP-Style Blue (standard) Edit-Bordercolor colorGroupLine = "123,158,189" ; colorTableEvenRow = colorDialog ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred [theme.abasERP.version2006_2] ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Defaultcolours for abas ERP Version 2006, variant 2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; colorDialog = "243,240,226" colorToolBar = "211,233,233" colorStatusLine = colorToolBar ; ; XP-Style Olive Groupbox-Textcolor colorGroupText = "156,85,8" ; XP-Style Olive Edit-Bordercolor colorGroupLine = "165,186,123" ; colorTableEvenRow = colorDialog ; colorSearchPatternNotFound= lightred